How to stop being anxious and depressed
Depression is an unhealthy fixation on the past, Anxiety is an unhealthy fixation on the future.
When I've struggled with Anxiety & depression, it's been for three primary reasons.
I get depressed when I don't accept myself for who I am
I'm 6'7: Never going to be a jockey in the Kentucky Derby or win the hide & seek championship.
I have dyslexia: Even though I wrote a book, it's going to have mispellings.
I have ADHD: I don't function well when I have to sit still.
I'm not analytical: The big picture is my thing, I'll overlook details.
I am me—nothing more, nothing less.
2. I get anxious when I'm not accepting others for who they are.
When I try to make people who I want them to be, I damage relationships. When I accept people for who they are, my expectations become more realistic, and my relationships improve.
I don't expect them to act counter to where they are in their journey.
3. I get depressed and anxious when I don't accept reality for what it is.
I live in two worlds. The world as it is and the world I've created in my head.
These two worlds tell different stories. The world in my head allows me to be the judge, jury, and executioner. Be thankful you don't live in that world.
I continually remind myself that in any given situation, I only have half of the necessary information. This fact disqualifies me from being God.
Curiosity and Creativity have put a stop to much of the Anxiety and depression in my life.
Not all of it though...
Therapy, medication, exercise, and Oreo's also help :—)
I am happier when I approach who I am, who others are, and the world with Curiosity. This allows me to operate in a less biased, less discriminatory way.
Once I've absorbed information with Curiosity, I then engage it with Creativity by asking,
"What's an interesting way to make this situation better?"
Most of the time, I realize there is an action I can take or a perspective I can change that will help me manage the person, circumstance, or situation better.
When I approach the world with Creativity and Curiosity, I experience less anxiety, less depression, and create the space to add value to the world around me.