Doug Stewart
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Coaching will not change your life.

No one will.

Our job is to support YOU as YOU change your life.

Life has a way of adding things to our identity that aren’t true. We get convinced and confused by circumstances, trauma, nurture, and nature that we are [Insert negative thought]. And we are never just [Insert negative thought]. No matter what you want to put in that _________, you are much more than that. As your coach, I hold space, ask questions, and help you discover the things that are true about who you are.

The answers exist and YOU are the only person who can see them because they are inside you. And you are the only one who has full access to you. I will walk with you as you do the work.

As a coach, I use a method called the MENTOR METHOD.

The Mentor Method is a style of coaching developed by Doug Stewart to help YOU see YOU for who YOU truly are.

The MENTOR coaching method will…

Meet you where you are.

Encourage your growth through enthusiastic discovery.

Nudge you to take action.

Tackle emotional challenges that hold you back.

Organize your thought process by helping you get out of your head and into your heart.

Re-align your perspective to manage stress while growing your empathic response.

Are you ready to go from where you are to where you want to be?

Let’s chat!

Keynote Speaking

In my family, we pass down the art of storytelling down like a priceless heirloom

Most popular topics:  

  • Doug’s TEDx Talk: 5 1/2 mentors that will change your life. CLICK HERE to watch.

  • From conflict to conversation

  • Leadership IS Relationship

  • The quitter’s guide to winning

  • The storyteller’s playbook

  • How to thrive in uncertain times

  • How to accelerate learning

  • How to build a purposeful personal brand

  • To be rather than to seem

  • How to become comfortable being uncomfortable

  • Your comfort zone is better than you think

  • How to hear and be heard

  • Mentorship 101

  • Getting the most from your mentor

  • Becoming a maximum impact mentor

  • + Many others

  • For examples of Doug’s speaking style, visit his YouTube page by CLICKING HERE.

Let’s get the conversation started!

TEDx Speaker Coaching

I saw a study that said: speaking in front of a crowd is considered the #1 fear of the average person. I found that amazing. Number two, was death. Death is number two? This means, to the average person, if you have to be at a funeral, you would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy. - Jerry Seinfield

You have a presentation to make, and you're 100% ready. At least you will be if you could just do something about the crippling feeling of terror that keeps washing over you.

Ready or not, the day arrives, and your name gets called. You step up to the mic… Deep breath... Your palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy…

Speaking of Eminem and the 8 Mile Movie, presenting is like performing. Better yet, presenting IS performing. 

And doing it well requires 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain & 100% reason to remember the name. 

When it comes to your career mobility, your capability to clearly communicate an idea is one of the most critical factors. 

Your leaders don't judge your performance based on the work they see you do; they judge you based on how you present the work you've done. 

Many people don't know this;

There's no such thing as a "natural" speaker. It's not an innate power bestowed on only a few people hand-picked by the divine.

To become a TEDx style presenter, you need 3 things: 

  1. The courage to fail.

  2. A safe space to practice.

  3. Strong coaching.

If you're ready to go from terrified to verified, Let's have a chat. 

The Dale Carnegie Course

In 2011, I had a life changing experience when I attended the Dale Carnegie Course.

I owe virtually everything in my life to this program. In 8 weeks time, I was given the methods and models to begin to become the person I had the potential to be. Because of this course, I am a better friend, father, spouse, and professional. As my instructor said,

“You aren’t here to take a course, you are here to set a course for the rest of your life.”

Today, I am blessed to be certified to instruct this program. When peoples ask me what it’s like to facilitate a Dale Carnegie Program, I can only describe it like this:

I get to watch miracles happen.

In the Dale Carnegie Program you equip you to:

  • Build Self-Confidence

  • Develop People Skills

  • Enhance Communication Skills

  • Strengthen Leadership Skills

  • Manage Stress In A Healthy Way

WANT TO KNOW MORE? Let’s connect!