The Journey Principles Podcast
Stephen and I discuss:
- The first mentor we should have at our table is a “street view mentor”. This mentor is someone who is wearing the same jersey as us, similar perspective and same mission. Doug gave an example of his wife for this mentor. She has the same perspective as he does and she is on the same mission.
- The next mentor to look for at our table is a “world view mentor”. This mentor is someone who has a different perspective as us but still the same mission. Doug’s example of his world view mentor is a couple from his hometown, Raleigh, NC, by the names of Tom and Molly. They are a couple that sit above his perspective and can help him miss the road blocks of life.
- Another mentor to have sitting with us would be the “categorical mentor”. Think of this mentor as a filing cabinet. There are things in this mentor that we would like to replicate but then there are also things in this mentor that we would like to keep closed. We can pull the areas of influence out from this mentor but we don’t have to follow everything about them.
- The fourth mentor to look for is called the “stealth mentor”. Think of this mentor as a ninja. They go unnoticed. They are people who are mentoring us but have no idea. We are able to have a conversation with them and an impromptu mentor session.
- The “time machine mentor” is the next one on the list. These are people that we can no longer sit down with to have a cup of coffee but have left us resources. They have come before us and have given us a legacy to follow through with. Doug gave the example of his grandfather, Abraham Lincoln and Jesus. They are no longer here on earth with us but have left us many resources that we can gain wisdom from.
- This mentor is the five and a half mentor. The half is very important because this person needs to be part of our mentors but shouldn’t take up as much time as the other five. This mentor is called the “anti-mentor”. More than likely we have already thought of a person that would be an anti-mentor of ours. It’s someone that we want nothing to do with and wouldn’t follow anything in their life. There are as many lessons in people we don’t want to be like as there are in people we want to be like. We need to know what we don’t want as much as we need to know what we want.