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I wonder if a butterfly ever feels guilty for it’s caterpillar past?

My family tries to take as many afternoon walks in the neighborhood as possible.

Over the past few months, we've taken the same walk in the same neighborhood on the same sidewalk Every. Single. Day.

One evening while on our walk, my daughter noticed a caterpillar. It was in the middle of the road, trying to get from one side to the other.  

Noticing that it was taking the caterpillar a long time to get across, my daughter suggested we give it a little help. I picked it up and took it to the nearest leafy green plant we could find. We named the caterpillar buddy, blessed him, and left him to enjoy his new home.

Later that evening, while reflecting on the day, I wondered if a butterfly ever feels guilty that used to be a caterpillar. 

If Buddy had been a butterfly already, he wouldn't have had such a hard time crossing the road. He would've just opened his wings and fluttered right across the street. But Buddy wasn't a butterfly, yet. He was just a slow, hopeless caterpillar.

I wonder if Buddy will ever look back and feel shame or regret for needing help to cross that street?

It may seem like a weird concept and maybe even a ridiculous question but isn't this what we do all the time?

We look back and judge ourselves for the times we weren't as strong or courageous or disciplined or (insert additional unfair judgments here). 

The truth is, none of us are who we think we should be. We all have downfalls, we all fall short, we all have an Oreo addiction we can't break (maybe that last one is just me). 

So let's be careful not to be overly critical of our caterpillarness.

Embrace the journey and be gentle with your evolution, as you become the beautiful butterfly you are created to be.

Doug Stewart