"Hurt me with the truth, but don't comfort me with a lie" -Author unknown
This might hurt.
Everything you've ever heard about your comfort zone may have been a lie.
They didn't lie on purpose. Nonetheless, it was a lie.
Their advice has always been, get out of your comfort zone.
But why? It's uncomfortable, scary, and dangerous. And to top it off, we never perform well when we are uncomfortable.
When we are uncomfortable, we are not at our best. Unless, of course, we're being chased by a bear. In that case, we run faster, jump higher, and climb with the skill of a coked-up squirrel. I don't know about you. That's not how I want to live my life. On high alert, all the time and feeling like fight or flight is my normal emotional state.
We all want to enjoy life, and if we spend all of our time outside our comfort zone, how will we ever find peace?
Let the squirrels keep the coke, give me contentment.
A professional athlete is more likely to hit the game-winning shot when they are in "the zone."
What if "The zone" was a shortened way to say, "comfort zone?"
A musician will only get a standing ovation if they are first comfortable with the set before the concert starts.
A speaker will give a high impact presentation only if they are comfortable in front of the audience.
And you will only perform at your best in life if you are more comfortable than uncomfortable.
a different perspective:
Imagine what would happen if you didn't sleep for the next seven days. Sounds terrible, right? We can agree that your relationships would suffer, your immune system would be jeopardized, and your work would be incoherent. Nothing positive would come from you staying up for a week straight.
The same is true with staying outside your comfort zone for long periods.
Like your bed, your comfort zone is a place where you are safe—a place where you can relax, rejuvenate, and recharge. Without the safety of your bed, you would be a wreck.
If we want growth, we shouldn't be so focused on getting outside our comfort zone as we are focused on expanding it. The purpose is to create more space where we can be comfortable.
Where would you want to live? In a mansion or a hole in the ground?
In the hole, you are only comfortable and protected in your confined space. In the mansion, you have lots of room to move around. You can lounge in different rooms, do different things, and be really comfortable.
Let's make a mansion out of our comfort zone and not settle for a hole in the ground.
How to make a Lions, Sharks, & Eagles harmless:
The shark is most deadly when it is comfortable in the water. The lion is most deadly when it's comfortable on the ground. An eagle is most dangerous when it's comfortable in the air.
If you put a shark in the air, a lion in the water, or an eagle on the ground, they are much less effective.
Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its entire life believing that it is stupid. - Albert Einstein
The same is true with you and me. The question we must ask ourselves is, where can I be most effective?
Once we know the answer to this question, we can begin to gain confidence and build skills to become more comfortable in our talent areas. Over time, we create a competitive advantage as we stretch our comfort zone.
You might be wondering, so how do I stretch my comfort zone? So glad you asked.
The trouble with confidence is that you can't just choose to be confident.
People decide that they're going to be confident at best are arrogant and, at worst, delusional.
It's like a person who stands outside of the batting cages and watches other batters practicing. He can tell the difference between a good swing in a lousy swing, good contact in bed contact, and good and bad form. But the truth is, this gives him knowledge, not confidence. And if he assumes that his knowledge gives him the right to be confident, he is in for a rude awakening. Because the moment he steps in the batting cage and places his hands on the bat, he will quickly realize that knowing how to do something and doing it are two very different things.
We can't choose to be confident. We can choose to have courage.
Small acts of courage that cause us to press against the edges of our comfort zone are the thing that will most effectively help us to earn the right to be confident through Demonstration and lived experience.
So the question is, what small act of courage could you take today that will stretch your comfort zone just a little bit more.
If we are willing to do this over time, we will find that our comfort zone will grow and grow and grow until one day we wake up in our comfort zone mansion.